I'm a proud member of . . .

Jixemitri!! There are currently 31 participating authors at Jixemitri! If you like fanfic, you're sure to find something you'll love here. And don't forget to visit me at the Message Board. You're bound to find some silliness to meet your needs there.


The Trixie Belden Home Page ~ The first site to accept Trixie Belden fanfic. Also a site with an active community. If you'd like to take part, join us on the Message Board or if you're interested in a little goodnatured debate, check out the Debate Board.


Interested in chatting? Me too!! Just jump into the chat room!



Graphics by: My Sandlot


This is an unauthorized fan fiction site and is not affiliated with Random House in any way.
No profit is being made from these pages.